

It was so amazing the way that the Karwendeltal came alive in the sunshine. It was just about 25c that day and all around you was just glittering. It took us just less that half of an hour to cycle through the village and into the valley. All along the way were little waterfalls and streams with such blue green water. The trees were lush and green and the flowers were all in bloom. The uphill for me was harder than Jochen let me imagine but then we were soon into the cool of the forest. With little huts infront of you and the mountains behind, this was one of the best cycling tours ever.

Bericht von danzie


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Die Cloud-Software zum Planen und Verwalten deiner persönlichen Routen: alpenkarte.eu
Die Cloud-Software zum Planen und Verwalten von Reiseplänen für Reiseveranstalter: guibo.travel

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